
Our Cleaning is Thorough, Dries Quickly and Stays Clean Longer Or It's FREE

What We Do

Carpet Cleaning in Baltimore MD

Carpet Cleaning Services

We provide residential and commercial carpet cleaning.

Services 1

Tile Cleaning

We Specialize in Grout Cleaning, Tile Cleaning and more.

Services 2

Wood floor cleaning

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Mattress Cleaning Services

Mattress cleaning

Commercial and residential mattress cleaning for the removal of unhealthy allergy-causing dust mites and micro-organisms living within the micro-habitats of mattresses, pillows, and furnishings.

Services 3

furniture cleaning

Upholstery and rug cleaning. Enjoy quick dry times, earth friendly cleaners.

Services 4

water damage restoration

Restoration services include flood and water damage, mold and sewage damage, fire and smoke damage, storm and wind damage, and frozen and burst pipes.

What Our Clients Say

Services 5
By far the best carpet service I've received since moving into the area. The technician was polite and friendly but above all very professional and honest. He explained to me that honesty is what they strive for, which I love. I been through about 5 other carpet cleaning c…
Christine Musselman